Why we need your support

The English Concert is embarking on an ambitious journey to build a new legacy, by filming every single piece of Handel’s music and creating an online resource that is free and accessible to everyone, everywhere, free of charge. Acting as the cornerstone of TEC’s access and outreach strategy, Handel for All will safeguard an important heritage asset and allow us to share the joy and genius of Handel’s music far and wide. With more than 600 pieces to inspire devoted baroque enthusiasts and complete novices alike, TEC is on a mission to prove to the world that Handel truly is for everyone.

Through this digital library of high quality films and educational materials, Handel for All will provide:

  • Vivid and engaging performances.
  • A rich and accessible resource for people of all ages and abilities.
  • Insight and knowledge shared by leading musicians.
  • Support for the continuing development of the outstanding talent of the future.
  • New interpretations of well-known pieces, as well as pieces that are seldom heard.
  • The chance for TEC to engage with the audiences of the future.
  • Digital and self-led learning sessions for use in schools and at home.
  • Music Minus One – interactive digital learning materials allowing participants to ‘play’ along with the orchestra from home.
  • A rich resource for academic institutions and cultural researchers.

Handel for All is a bold project with the capacity to change the face of baroque music. However, we cannot do this alone, and now we need your help to make this dream a reality.

Ways You Can Support

We welcome donors at any level and are grateful for each and every donation we receive. Handel for All supporters are invited to join one of our special donor circles and enjoy advance access to recordings, named recognition and exclusive digital content.

Handel Supporters
Up to £4,999 p.a.

We welcome gifts at this level to provide general support and help bring this programme to life. In particular, we encourage supporters at this level to consider making a multi-year pledge of support to help us to plan ahead with confidence.

Handel Champions
Donors at this level may wish to make an important contribution to one of the defined strands of Handel for All, such as: Recordings and Performances, Learning and Participation, or Talent Development. Handel Champions are invited to attend Handel for All recording sessions where possible.
Handel Benefactors
Support from our Handel Benefactors will be vital in underpinning our major projects. Donors at this level may choose to direct their support towards particular areas of their interest. With so many facets of the programme to choose from, we would be delighted to have a conversation with you about the various options. Handel Benefactors will be invited to attend rehearsals and recording sessions, and to meet the musicians where possible. We recognise donors at this level against their chosen projects.
Director's Circle

Leadership gifts at this level will underpin the entire project and enable us to plan with confidence. They will form a substantial contribution to our large recording projects. We recognise donors at this level in all of our work, and will work closely with you to ensure your support is recognised in the most fitting way.

Have questions about supporting The English Concert?

If you have questions or would like to discuss opportunities to support with a member of the team, please contact:
Holly Scrivener, Head of Development

+44 (0)20 3962 2322